
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Web Marketing Pockets

Most to all web surfers utilize a select group of sites within their disposal.

Even though the web is vast and contains more options than we could ever use, our human tendencies and trust is focused on a group of 10 to 20 sites. When identifying your audience, it is equally important to identify their web surfing similarities. If I were a skateboarding fan for example: I would probably hit up a few popular skateboard sites, then maybe E bay for the hottest deals on new or used equipment. This pocket of common sites lends many details to the comfortability of my audience. Keep an eye on your Google analytics page and try to get a feel for which sites get the hit's during retail madness times (Black Friday,etc.), Holiday's, and keep advertising for free through your social media sites.......(Facebook, Bebo, Myspace, etc.)

Once you have pinpointed a few similarities among your audience's favorite sites, make sure that your site shares similar comfortable traits (Security, User interaction) and capitalize with something fresh and new for your audience.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Web Advertising vs. Traditional methods

Web Advertising vs. Traditional methods

A traditional approach to advertising involves using conventional methods of Print and or audio
and visual selling. Unfortunately this is where the advertising world falls flat.

When was the last time you could talk back to your radio, television, and newspaper. Take away the remote
control and crossword puzzle, and there is little to no activity. Interactivity is what the world craves. More people
text than call, e-mail before write, and many prefer to shop electronically. By making a website interactive
as well as functional, companies have learned to draw quite an audience by just a few fancy widgets on their website.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Networking Through Social Media (Facebook)

Social Media Networking 101

Probably one of the most undervalued yet most talked about tool of business!

The buzzword of business and marketing has always been networking. Yet most businessmen stop at shaking hands and handing out business cards along their daily travels.

We live in an intensive electronic age where the Internet is deeply woven into our society. Social Networking sites have taken the world by storm and are making up a larger portion of the daily Internet traffic each and every day, and It's no wonder. It has long since been proven that Interactivity is the strongest activity that a site can possess. Let's face it. Would you rather "Choose your own adventure", or look at static pages and images for you information? Most prefer the interactivity. Sites such as facebook, Bebo, EBay, and the like are where people hang out by the millions, and from a vast ethnic and social landscape. Unless you are handing out business cards at Grand Central Station with $ bills attached to will never gain that type of audience.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Value of Education

The age old adage of many businessman is that education does nothing but give them a piece of paper.

Having gone back to school at a later age in my life, I could'nt disagree more. Yes it is true that the stoner in the back of the room squeeks through and eventually finds his way into the workforce, but the cutting edge values and knowledge achieved is far more beneficial to a business than those who do not have these skills.
Work experience is irreplacable, no doubt, but the common degree ensures that each student is given an internship which supplements some of the work experience burden.

For those of you thinking of taking advantage of our recent President's Educational plan, I say do it, before others take your place. There are entirely too many way's to get your education to avoid it any longer. Yes the piece of paper get's you in the door, but trust me.........the education will put that piece of paper in more doors than you ever had offered before.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Viral Marketing Campaign

Clever Guerrilla Marketing

Lets face it.......The internet is a vast space with so much to see and do, you literally have mere milliseconds to catch someones attention. Marketing on the Internet is all about getting your point across the quickest and most effective. If you are selling something, KEY words will get your product sold quicker such as, FREE, IMMEDIATE SHIPPING, etc.

However, the best products on the Internet are FREE! If you offer a service, and want to get it into the marketplace the fastest. There are Millions of Free open community blogs, and forums where you can see just about any topic at any time.

FOR EXAMPLE: If you go onto myspace, they are constantly advertising some upcoming event or promotion. Underneath that promotion is an open forum where people can leave comments. You can leave a quick impactful comment like, THE BEST SALSA MUSIC, and I will promise you, due to the number of traffic that they get on any given day............through your google analytics (See previous blog entry) you will receive many more hits that day. With millions of these to browse each day, there is no reason why you can't start raking in those hits, then dollars in no time!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Greatest Business Tool Invented!

The Greatest Business Tool!

By far the greatest tool for business has been the internet. Never before has such an information source put so many valuable resources at the fingertips of human beings throughout the world. E-commerce is slowly taking over as the primary way of doing business and has proven by maintaining it's growth during these hard economic times. Some will say that it is parallel to that of retail markets, yet I feel otherwise.

Retail has been a trusted medium for centuries. If you don't like what you got, you take it back. If you still don't like the service, you complain. Eventually a brand of trust is established, and that business grows successfully. point is this. The Internet is juvenile and completely least for now. Yet customers continue to buy each and every day!

There are some things in this world that just build slowly at one piece at a time, until they become a necessity. Companies like Google, Amazon, Ebay, and the like are well aware of this. Which is probably why you don't see rapid changes in their way of doing business.

To put it find out that your friend bought something on E-bay, and loves it......then another.....another....and so on. Eventually you give them a click or two. Do you remember the first time you went on Google? It probably was after you heard someone reaffirming their suspicions of something, and matter of factly finding the answer there.

Through the internet I have ; fixed my car, wired my home, installed my internet, purchased everything, made thousands of dollars, and solved many more complex issues each day.

The next time your mind is aching you, and you are lost for an the exact question on your mind, and you will find doubt.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What Business questions trouble you the most?

Ah the uncharted waters of the business world. In an ever changing world the business model seems to evolve for some, and others stay quite the same. Depending upon your industry, there is much that has been learned from experiences in failure as well as success. I certainly have had my fair share of both, but the lessons learned are the ultimate prize of each of those adventures.