
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

SEO in a nutshell

Great SEO methods

Search Engine Optimization marketing for your website

Great SEO Methods

  As an SEO manager and web designer for the past several years, there are a few tricks that I have learned along the way to help boost profits.  So many times I hear clients complain about their lack of customers coming through the door and how they can't afford a proper website.  SEO is the way to break a hole in the wall and show them the other side of business.  E-businesses generate customers from all over the globe and if done correctly will replace your traditional brick and mortar business.  I have provided a basic list of what I feel is important and what will help to provide more immediate impact in your SEO marketing plan.

1.  Your titles - Titles of pages (Title Tags) are what the search engines crave.  The first thing a web robot does is crawl your pages scouting for title tags to see what you are all about.  This is listed as an H1 or H2 tag in the secret squirrel code that makes up your site.  If this does not accurately describe the content on your page, then you are already fighting an uphill battle.

2.  Your content - If your content doesn't match the title tags, then the search engines assume that you are trying to pull a scam on them.  It's a good rule of thumb to have at least 150 words or more of content on each page that uses not only the title's words a few times but also other common keywords that are found in your businesses marketplace.

3.  Your domain -  If you are selling fishing lures then Harry'scatchem' isn't going to cut it.  It's important to use relative terms such as fishing, lure, bait, tackle or the like in order to grab more customers surfing the web.  You may have a household name in Catasauqua, PA but the goal is to catch fish in a different pond if you follow me.

4.  Keywords -  This one isn't near as important as it used to be.  Keywords are the common names that people type in when looking for products in your field.  I use the google keyword tool to determine what the most popular phrases are for my clients prospective business and recommend them to you for research.  Once you have a good sense of what keywords are popular, sprinkle them in your content, titles, and domain if possible.

5.  Image tags -  This one is something special that is ignored by way to many people when preparing their site for success.  Each image on your site is also indexed by the search engines.  It's important to use strong keywords when describing your images in their title tags and alt tags.  These are commonly found in the code of each image and are easily added through the properties screen in most blogs and do-it-yourself programs.

6.  Draw attention to your keywords - Whether you bold or italicize the words in your content periodically.  I find that this makes the search engines job easier which in turn is rewarded with better ranking.

7.  Use engaging content on your site -  The longer and more frequent that people visit your site the better off you will be.  Little widget like weather monitors, interactive blogs, videos, and other useful information to your clients will make your site fare much better.

8.  Backlinks - This is a simple link to a reputable website.  For instance, if you have a Facebook, Twitter, or any other page that is popular, then make it easier for your customers to check them out.  References to companies you carry or other connections to your business help to boost your popularity among the search engines.

9.  Last but not least.  Be honest.  Don't just stuff a bunch of keywords throughout your pages without making much sense.  Not only can this penalize you severely in the eyes of the search engine gods, but it will confuse all of the customers you have fought so hard to bring to your site in the first place.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Technological Future and Business

  As technology seems to be getting larger and larger in the world, the devices which access it are becoming increasingly smaller.  This is a trend that I have spotted for several years and definitely one that I hope to dive deeper into in the near future.  As I am wrapping up my studies in the modern languages of XML, PHP, Javascript and the like, it is becoming increasingly obvious that cellular technology has taken the world by storm.  Devices such as the iPad were laughed at during their early grumblings of release due to a failed PDA market which was all but swallowed by the cellular phone market.  Truth is, convenience is king and the web has found a way to bring technology closer to you than ever before.  I have found a video which is listed below that offers a lot of truth despite it's futuristic predictions.  Many experiments are being conducted involving materials which can sustain larger volumes of heat than silicon (the current best solution for microchips), and are therefore capable of putting more memory than the pentagons entire computer system at our fingertips.  Check out the video below, and please try not to drool at the many concepts offered which reflect recent technological achievements.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Never stop learning


  As education has become easier to get in these tough times, never cease to expand your horizons in either your current career field or personal interests.  Today's marketplace offers an endless pool of resources which can be obtained through the internet.  Even the best Universities offer online learning programs which can broaden your horizons.  As education has not only proven to improve your bottom line financially, you will find that all of those extra classes you assume are unimportant will round you out as a whole and provide exciting new discoveries.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to properly Google something


I'm always looking for ways to be more proficient in my Googling.  Below you will find a list of tricks to make you much more efficient when doing research with the world largest database.

How to Google

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Google Ad's Profit

How can I make a buck off Google?

I have a lot of people asking me what all the racket is about with 
Google ads on their site.

This is a common bonus offered by several do it yourself website builders that earns you a trickle revenue.
I say TRICKLE because that is exactly how fast and how much money you can expect to make. Google pays you a small
amount for every click on one of their sponsored ads on your site. Usually fractions of a penny per click, then sends you a
check once you have reached an amount of Oh say $30. This can be a gold mine if you have 100's of sites and usually is not too
intrusive. They usually pair the ads with content that you have within your site. However, be careful with this as it is not
an exact science. For Example: If I have a site that offers web design for a price, Google will index me as a web designer
and put up ads for my competition right on my site, so it may not be advisable to take the risk. Businesses that have made a Cash
cow out of this are one's which have a huge reoccurring marketplace.  

Job boards and active blogs usually do pretty well, as well
as sites which offer free interactive stuff for their clients such as websites or personal pages. Since they offer you a service, the
catch is usually placing a strip of Google ads at the bottom or side, therefore getting a piece of your entire captive audience all to themselves.

You can only imagine how many members they have, then multiply the number of members their clients pages have, and the
Google Cash register goes Caching!, Caching!, CACHING!