
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Networking Through Social Media (Facebook)

Social Media Networking 101

Probably one of the most undervalued yet most talked about tool of business!

The buzzword of business and marketing has always been networking. Yet most businessmen stop at shaking hands and handing out business cards along their daily travels.

We live in an intensive electronic age where the Internet is deeply woven into our society. Social Networking sites have taken the world by storm and are making up a larger portion of the daily Internet traffic each and every day, and It's no wonder. It has long since been proven that Interactivity is the strongest activity that a site can possess. Let's face it. Would you rather "Choose your own adventure", or look at static pages and images for you information? Most prefer the interactivity. Sites such as facebook, Bebo, EBay, and the like are where people hang out by the millions, and from a vast ethnic and social landscape. Unless you are handing out business cards at Grand Central Station with $ bills attached to will never gain that type of audience.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Value of Education

The age old adage of many businessman is that education does nothing but give them a piece of paper.

Having gone back to school at a later age in my life, I could'nt disagree more. Yes it is true that the stoner in the back of the room squeeks through and eventually finds his way into the workforce, but the cutting edge values and knowledge achieved is far more beneficial to a business than those who do not have these skills.
Work experience is irreplacable, no doubt, but the common degree ensures that each student is given an internship which supplements some of the work experience burden.

For those of you thinking of taking advantage of our recent President's Educational plan, I say do it, before others take your place. There are entirely too many way's to get your education to avoid it any longer. Yes the piece of paper get's you in the door, but trust me.........the education will put that piece of paper in more doors than you ever had offered before.